Duel of the Fates: Toybox is an adaptation of a leaked screenplay for Star Wars Episode IX. This early script, called “Duel of the Fates”, was written by Colin Trevorrow and Derek Connolly before the project was handed over to JJ Abrams. This early draft addresses many plot points considered controversial or overlooked in the final Episode IX: “Rise of Skywalker” film.

Watch the movie HERE!

This updated version of “Duel of the Fates-Toybox Edition” contains improved audio, with music from the entire Star Wars saga, as well as a number of other audio upgrades including, new sound effects, improved levels, EQ and stereo balance, and has been fully mastered by the talented James Shields.

There are also a few visual and editing tweaks. Most notably, the visuals are now available in high definition.


Disclaimer: This non-profit unofficial fan film is not intended for commercial use. It was made solely for fun. Most Characters are owned by Lucasfilm/Disney and this fan film is not connected in any way to said companies.